This probably will not come as a shock to most of you, but there have now been seven studies indicating that viewers of Fox "News" are misinformed about reality. What makes this noteworthy is not only the number (i.e., 7) but that there is apparently no counter-evidence.
There really does seem to be a “Fox News effect,” then, and one that is playing a central role in driving our political divide over reality in the U.S. And now comes a true tour-de-force seventh study showing that Fox News viewers are the most misinformed, this time once again about global warming.What I find most remarkable about this line of research is that the "Fox News effect" holds up across many subjects (e.g., climate change, health care, the Iraq war).
It is important to note that the studies to date are correlational, meaning that it would be a mistake to interpret the results as indicating that watching Fox "News" causes someone to be misinformed. While the results are consistent with this possibility, it is also possible that misinformed people seek out media like Fox or that another variable explains the association.