
Dear Christians, I'm Tired of Hearing About Jesus

Jesus tattoo
Photo by Shannon Archuleta

Dear Christians,

Have you ever had the experience of getting so incredibly tired of hearing about something you weren't interested in that it made you want to scream? Maybe it is that annoying co-worker who keeps telling you how you are missing out by not watching a TV show he or she likes. As if you don't have anything better to do with your time! Maybe it is that awful song from a children's cartoon that one of your kids has stuck in his or her head and keeps repeating. It was cute at first, but now you just want it to stop. Or maybe it is one of those trivially stupid Internet memes you just wish would go away. You know, the kind of thing that was mildly funny the first 20 times you saw it but lost its appeal long ago. The point is, you have had this experience. I know you have. I think we all have.

So here's the thing...this is how many non-Christians feel about Jesus. We don't hate him or anything. Some of us aren't even sure he existed at all, some of us admire certain aspects of his message without considering him worthy of worship, and some of us find him largely irrelevant to our lives.

We don't hate you for thinking he's the greatest thing ever. We understand that he is the central figure in your religion. We are just incredibly tired of hearing about him.

We know you want to talk about Jesus. The problem is that you aren't telling us anything new. We have heard it all before more times than we can count. We know all the stories. Many of us have taken the time to read your bible. Some of us even spent a decade or more of our lives as Christians, believing many of the same things you do now. But we moved on and have little interest in trying to go back.

Now we are just tired of hearing about Jesus. Is this really so difficult to understand? It shouldn't be. We know you can relate. When it comes to Jesus, we aren't buying what you are selling.