I need to do some shopping today, and so I will soon be heading out to the local warehouse store to stock up on several bulk food items I've been using a lot of lately. I've discovered that as long as I know I am going to use everything I buy, I can save at least a little money by shopping this way vs. the grocery store. I dislike shopping, and the constant crowds at stores like this are a big part of why. I want to get in and out of the store as quickly as possible with few annoyances, and this becomes far more challenging when it is crowded.
This morning, however, I find myself thinking about something a bit different from the crowds I'm sure to encounter today. For whatever reason, the particular warehouse store to which I will soon be heading seems to attract Christian proselytizers more than just about anywhere else in town. No, I don't really know that. It is just that this store (and its parking lot) have been the site of more Christian proselytizing than I've encountered anywhere else. It doesn't happen every time I go, but I'd estimate that it happens during at least one in every four trips.
I imagine that the elevated frequency of Christian proselytizing in this location has something to do with the fact that it is the only warehouse store in town. It probably also has something to do with the fact that pastors from several Southern Baptist churches are always in there buying huge amounts of food for church picnics. The funny thing is that I don't have to guess about this. These pastors tend to go out of their way to make sure that everybody knows who they are and why they are buying 72 hot dog buns. And while they're there, why not loudly tell everyone about their favorite imaginary friend?
I can't help but find it odd that I'd even have to wonder whether I'll encounter Christian proselytizing during a trip to a warehouse store. I mean, this is 2017! How can anybody seriously believe this nonsense to the point where they want to loudly accost strangers with it? I suppose this is just one more reminder that Mississippi is very different from many other places, even in 2017.
Bracing for the Christian Proselytizing While Shopping